
   Jet Flow Diffuser

Standard Model:  JFD

Cosmos make Jet diffusers offer an economical solution to high capacity air distribution applications requiring long throw distances. This diffuser can be effectively applied to large space applications such as civic centers, auditoriums and exhibition halls. Models in this series offer 1-4 units that can be built in to one panel.

Product Description

Cosmos make Jet diffusers offer an economical solution to high capacity air distribution applications requiring long throw distances. This diffuser can be effectively applied to large space applications such as civic centers, auditoriums and exhibition halls. Models in this series offer 1-4 units that can be built in to one panel.

●  Units are available as a single diffuser, or multiple diffusers mounted in a panel.

●  Jet diffusers are an excellent choice for high capacity, longthrow applications.

●  The modular design of the Cosmos diffusers allows selection for a wide range of air volumes.


All Cosmos Jet Diffusers are constructed of steel. The outermost ring is gim-balled to the frame in one plane and to all inner rings in a perpendicular plane. The inner ring assembly is fixeed and pivots on two nylon sleeved steel bolts. This spacer provides sufficient tension to maintain the ring assembly position which rotates through a 60 degree arc. Diffusers with neck diameters of nominally 6″, 8′ and 10″ have two rotating inner and one fixed outer ring. One additional inner ring is added for each neck size increased with the 6″ neck diameter model having five inner rings. Multiple diffusers are mounted into panels.


Cosmos Jet Diffusers are designed for high ceiling areas or large open space requiring long throws; conditioned air can be projected to the occupied zone without loss of cooling or heating in the space above the occupied zone

Size Availability

Metal Jet Diffusers are available for sidewall and ceiling applications in 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400 mm neck diameters.

Opposed blade volume control dampers can be provided with all linear grilles effectively turning them in to registers suitable for volume control.

Features / Advantages

●  Long throw provided by concentric cylindrical rings
●  Even distant zones can be ventilated and air conditioned
●  The jets can be swivelled by 30° in all directions
●  The long throws reduce the load on the duct system


●  Cosmos Jet Diffusers are finished with powder coating.