
    Laminar Flow Diffuser

Standard Model: LFD

COSMOS LFD Series Laminar Flow Diffusers have been engineered to provide a uniform vertical projection of supply air at controlled low velocity. 

Product Description

COSMOS LFD Series Laminar Flow Diffusers have been engineered to provide a uniform vertical projection of supply air at controlled low velocity. The downward projection or “piston” motion of supply air, combined with low-level exhaust or return air inlets is ideal for clean room or operating room applications. The laminar flow diffuser introduces clean supply air to the space with minimal entrainment of room air due to its low initial face velocity.


Laminar flow diffusers located in the ceiling immediately above the work area can provide a controlled flow of conditioned supply air with minimal entrainment of residual room air. Coupled with low level exhaust inlets, a controlled, low velocity mass movement of air can be maintained. The boundary layer of the air mass is the only place where any appreciable entrainment of residual room air may occur. With the boundary layer remote from the work area, the low velocity controlled air mass effectively isolates the work area from any effects or contaminants of the residual room air.

Features and Options

COSMOS offers a variety of features and options to satisfy different application and construction requirements.

●  All units utilize a dual chamber design to ensure equalized air flow and consistent face velocity.
●  Full steel, Aluminium, stainless steel or hybrid (i.e. SS face, Aluminium plenum) construction available.
●  Continuously welded corners on SS or AL units.
●  Easy access to internal plenum surfaces for cleaning.
●  Full-flow, butterfly-style dampers.
●  Face-operable dampers (removable plug in the diffuser face).
●  Spring-loaded, quick-release fasteners for easy removal of face.
●  Safety cables.
●  Structural hanger tabs.
●  Universal mounting frame to allow for a surface mount or T-bar installation.